December 8,2022 Tokens on Decentralized Exchanges-$KOMPETE
$KOMPETE is a team-based multiplayer game: Battle Royal, Kart Race, Basketball, Golf, & more. Currently in closed beta.In the game, you can customize your character, choose the stats you like, and play with your friends based on that.
Contract: 0x1e0b2992079b620aa13a7c2e7c88d2e1e18e46e9
Total liquidity:$838.00K
24h volume:$11.23K
Pooled WETH:338.77
Pooled KOMPETE:24.52M
Total tx:8.21K
Total Market Cap:$10.67M
Total Supply:850.52M KOMPETE

$KOMPETE is a team-based multiplayer game: Battle Royal…